Tuesday, June 5, 2012

~ Impossible Deadline ~

I'm heading home in a week...very excited! I thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to have a quilt made to give to my "baby" sister?" Never mind that this was about a week ago. What was I thinking???? I have a great ability to set impossible deadlines for myself. However, I set to work making the quilt.

I noticed while squaring my blocks that my waste pile was smaller than usual. I sure hope that means that my accuracy is improving.

After squaring the blocks, I threw them up on my design wall, which I am loving!! The squares are not wonky...just haven't mastered photography yet ;-)

Of course, none of my quilts could be made without the help of Devlin. Here he is eating the pins trying to help me with pinning...

I think he realized it would be easier using his paws...

He would like to think that his efforts were instrumental in my seams lining up so nicely. I'll give him the credit.

I have just a couple of rows left to piece, then on to the backing. I am a little behind schedule, so I sure hope I get this finished before my trip.

Thanks, as always, for visiting my blog!

~ Michelle ~


  1. Michelle, it looks great! I always do the same thing to myself! LOL. But you actually get it accomplished. There's the difference between us. Keep up the great work!

  2. Love this post! The quilt is coming along beautifully! I know you will finish it in time and April will love it!

  3. Love the quilt, and the kitty. LOL, I can SO relate! My cats are good "helpers" too. :)

  4. Devlin is such a helper. The two of you do beautiful work. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  5. That is such a pretty quilt... Devlin is living up to his name, I think.
