Any fans of The Mamas and The Papas out there? I love most music from the 60s and 70s. Their song, Monday, Monday is one of my favorites. No surprise that I was singing it to myself Sunday night as I was thinking about the last few Mondays and the Mondays coming up. It's been a rough beginning to my school year and the stress hasn't let up yet.
Okay...enough of the pity party ;-) Other than work, work, work, not much has been going on around here. I finally finished a little "Happy" to be mailed today to an awesome quilty friend of mine (never mind that I'm about a week, or two, late in mailing it). That's about all the quilting I've done over the last couple of months, but at least I had a little time in my happy place, which has kept me sane. More about this later...
But with no major projects being worked on right now, I thought I would share some pictures of quilts I made for my dad and step mom. I'm still trying to play catch up with my journaling of this quilting process ;-)
This quilt was made with the very first line of fabric I fell in love with...Pure, by Sweetwater for Moda (I'm amazed that I can remember the name). The pattern is called Diamonds at Large, from the book Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts by Pam & Nicky Lintott.
I loved the browns, tans, and blues together. I love the name of the line...Pure...ah!! And the print..."pure love, pure happiness, pure laughter, pure & simple"...
I wasn't sure if it would work with this pattern, but in the end, my dad liked it, so I guess it worked out just fine.
This next quilt was made with the first Bali pop I every fell in love with...can't remember the name...haha!! But, I did really, really love it. I remember driving home from the LQS after purchasing the backing fabric saying over and over and over "I.Love.Batiks!!" I actually called my sister to share this fact with her. I believe she thought I had lost my mind!! It was the first quilt that I ever made that I almost didn't gift. I loved everything about it!! Those of you who know me, know that I very rarely will use the word "love" with anything I that I have made...but I'm getting better at it ;-)
This was my first, of two, 1600 jelly roll quilts. I'm still amazed that such a simple pattern (and I use that word lightly) can result in such a beautiful quilt. I think I fell in love with the simple lines...or maybe the colors...not real sure. But this quilt was really special to me for whatever reason, and it was oh, so hard to let it go.

~ Michelle ~